Region Mod continued....

 Go ahead and pop these two screws out and pull the silver cover out! Put the screws in your bowl, and put the cover off to the side, try not to loose anything while your taking your system apart....Im sure you already new that! lol

Pull the two screws out show in this picture...This will allow you to pull the PCB up and take the top cover off! You probably wont need these screws anymore after this but I would still hang on to them. 

After you get the two screw out in the above step seperate the PCB and the top cover. This switch cover will come off too...Put it to the side!

Go ahead and pull these two screws out and the clips that they hold on! This will allow you to seperate the metal covers later! 

Once again go ahead an take this screw out. This holds this little bugga down to help spread the heat out evenly as to not pop anything! BOOM!! Dont loose this screw!

If I remember correctly there are 4 spots you need to desolder on this side. These are the only spots you need to desolder on this side!  This is where the long medium sized blue/red handled flat head comes in handy. Take the electrical tape and wrap about 2-3 wraps around the tip! Use this to help pry up the gaurd when you heat the solder! The next two pictures will be the screwdriver and the gaurd popped up!

Try to not heat the solder up to many times (about 4 - 5) or the flux will set in and the solder will not melt anymore.  

Continue on to Page 3.... 

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