How to Region Mod your TG!

I will briefly describe everything as good and quickly as possible! SO here it goes! 

First off below are the various tool that you will need! You DONT have to have all of them but the more the better in my opinion! Although to many tools can clutter the table with unnecessary junk.

I have pictured below:                                                                                                                                                                               Helping Hands (the octopus looking device with the alligator clips and magnifying glass), Soldering Iron and small tip for those precision solders, Solder, Solder Tip Tinner, 26-30 Gauge wire (two diff. colors makes it easier) the smaller the better trust me! 26 gauge was actually a lil big for comfort, desoldering braid (you may or may not need this), small dip bowl (I like to use this to hold the screws), 4.5 MM Gammebit (ebay), Medium - small phillips head screwdrive, medium to small flathead screwdriver, the smallest precision scredriver you can get your hands on, X-Acto knife, 1/8 inch angle cutters, pliers, angled needlenose pliers (these are good for holding wires and what not), Small file (between knife and red/blue handle screwdriver), JB Weld or flush set of screws (for switch), electrical tape, shrink wrap (if you want to shrink wrap wires) or zip ties.

AND OFCOURSE the switch -  Top left of picture I have shown an 8PDT Submini slide switch and an 8PDT Pushbutton switch. I will show better pictures next!

What I don't have listed is a dremel tool (for cutting the hole in case for switch), you can also use a Soldering iron that has a razor blade attachment (Weller makes one for like $14). Anything else not listed is pretty well either not needed or optional (something you think of that works good for you) and the basics of cleaning your solder tip etc!

 Here is a close up of the two different switches you can use! In this mod I use the one on the bottom (8PDT Slide Switch) if you want to use the other one you can figure out mounting because everything else is the same!

Here we have taken the screws out and pulled the bottom of the case off! Study what you see your about to take the metal shielding of! Notice they are held on by solder....Fun Fun! 

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